Cemetery records contain information regarding the burial only. Typically this information includes: date of death, place of death, date of burial, date of birth or age, place of birth, parish from which the person was buried, and mortuary.

Cemetery records do not include maiden names, names and addresses of relatives or children, nor death certificates.

Due to the time and expense involved in research, it is necessary to charge a fee of $55.00 for research requests. Checks may be made payable to Holy Cross Cemetery. Please allow 12-15 weeks for research to be completed. The research fee may be refunded if no information is available.

In order to locate the correct information, please complete the Genealogy Request Form and mail to Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, PO Box 1577, Colma, CA 94014 with your check in the amount of $55.00.

Genealogy Resources

San Francisco Genealogy Site

Grave locations available for Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma from 1887-2001
SF Genealogy Search

National Archives at San Francisco
1000 Commodore Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066-2350

California Department of Health Services
Office of Vital Records — MS5103
P.O. Box 997410
Sacramento, CA 95899-7410
(916) 445-2684

San Mateo County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 5569
Redwood City, CA 94063-5569
(650) 306-3423

San Francisco Archdiocesan Archives
St. Patrick’s Seminary
320 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 328-6502

San Francisco Department of Public Health
(Birth/Death Records)
Office of the County Clerk
101 Grove Street, Room 162
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 554-2700

Sutro Library/J. Paul Leonard Library
San Francisco State University
1630 Holloway Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132-4030
(415) 469-6100

San Francisco Assessor-Recorder
(Marriage/Property Records)
City Hall Room 190
1 Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4698
(415) 554-4580

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