Our Mission
Our mission is ministry. We participate in the Corporal Work of Mercy: to bury the dead and the Spiritual Work of Mercy: to pray for the living and the dead. Our purpose is the devoted, reverent and compassionate service to the deceased and the bereaved. We uphold Catholic values and traditions offering hope and consolation in our shared belief in the Resurrection. We believe that even in death, the human body deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Catholic Cemeteries represent an essential extension of the Catholic Church where those who have worshipped together in life now await the resurrection of the body in death. Above all, the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of San Francisco promote and embody the principle of the Resurrection and the joyous promise of eternal life.
Our Staff

Our Family Services Counselors assist and support families wishing to make informed, unhurried decisions regarding the selection of cemetery sites and memorial services. Our professional staff of gravediggers and grounds-keepers carry out the sacred task of burying the dead, providing care and comfort to those who mourn them. Representatives of the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of San Francisco focus completely on ministering to you and your family. Our employees receive no commissions. Through years of experience, we understand how to listen to your personal needs and help you select the best burial site for you and your family.

Our Catholic Identity
Owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco, the Catholic Cemeteries carry on a tradition of faith throughout our lives. Catholic Cemeteries represent an essential extension of the Catholic Church where those who have worshipped together in life now await the resurrection of the body in death. Various Masses and prayer services are held throughout the year in our cemeteries in remembrance of our deceased brothers and sisters. The hallowed grounds of the Catholic Cemeteries are made available to all Catholics, practicing or non-practicing, and their non-Catholic spouses, children, parents and extended family members. Those having connections to the Catholic Church such as those educated or employed by Catholic entities may also be buried in these sacred grounds.